Showing results 41 to 60
Mintgbstamps 3
d Yellow-Green Control F7 (Co-Ex) perf type H1 plate 38 UNMOUNTED MINT
d Yellow-Green Control F7 (Co-Ex) perf type H1 plate 38 UNMOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Scarlet Control g8 perf perf type v2 plate 42 UNMOUNTED MINT
1d Scarlet Control g8 perf perf type v2 plate 42 UNMOUNTED MINT
390.94 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Scarlet Control G7 perf perf type V2 plate 35 UNMOUNTED MINT
1d Scarlet Control G7 perf perf type V2 plate 35 UNMOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
Spec M5n Variety 1d Scarlet Control H9 imperf plate 50b UNMOUNTED MINT
Spec M5n Variety 1d Scarlet Control H9 imperf plate 50b UNMOUNTED MINT
837.72 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Blue-Green Control C4 Imperf perf type H1 plate 24b UNMOUNTED MINT
d Blue-Green Control C4 Imperf perf type H1 plate 24b UNMOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Blue-Green Control B Imperf perf type H1 plate 10 UNMOUNTED MINT
d Blue-Green Control B Imperf perf type H1 plate 10 UNMOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Yellow-Green Control D4 (Co-Ex) perf type H1 plate 32 UNMOUNTED MINT
d Yellow-Green Control D4 (Co-Ex) perf type H1 plate 32 UNMOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Yellow-Green Control H8 (Co-Ex) perf type V2 plate 46 UNMOUNTED MINT
d Yellow-Green Control H8 (Co-Ex) perf type V2 plate 46 UNMOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Blue-Green Control C4 with variety plate 23 Ex Lady Mairi Bury UNMOUNTED MINT
d Blue-Green Control C4 with variety plate 23 Ex Lady Mairi Bury UNMOUNTED MINT
1,089.03 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Yellow-Green Control H9 with variety perf type H1 plate 45b UNMOUNTED MINT
d Yellow-Green Control H9 with variety perf type H1 plate 45b UNMOUNTED MINT
558.48 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Scarlet Control H8 perf perf type H2A(d) plate 48 UNMOUNTED MINT
1d Scarlet Control H8 perf perf type H2A(d) plate 48 UNMOUNTED MINT
446.78 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Yellow-Green Control E5 perf - with Co-ex rule MOUNTED MINT MM
d Yellow-Green Control E5 perf - with Co-ex rule MOUNTED MINT MM
44.68 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Blue-Green Control A imperf single perf ext - Cont rule MOUNTED MINT
d Blue-Green Control A imperf single perf ext - Cont rule MOUNTED MINT
111.70 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Blue-Green Control D4 imperf single perf ext - Cont rule MOUNTED MINT
d Blue-Green Control D4 imperf single perf ext - Cont rule MOUNTED MINT
67.02 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
d Blue-Green Control D4 imperf - Cont rule MOUNTED MINT
d Blue-Green Control D4 imperf - Cont rule MOUNTED MINT
19.55 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Scarlet Harrison 15x14 Control A11(c) perf type V3 MOUNTED MINT
1d Scarlet Harrison 15x14 Control A11(c) perf type V3 MOUNTED MINT
335.09 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d ScarletControl A11 perf type V1a with scarce right feed 17 pin UNMOUNTED MINT
1d ScarletControl A11 perf type V1a with scarce right feed 17 pin UNMOUNTED MINT
698.10 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Scarlet Harrison perf 14 Cont A11(w) perf type V1A plate 66b UNMOUNTED MINT
1d Scarlet Harrison perf 14 Cont A11(w) perf type V1A plate 66b UNMOUNTED MINT
698.10 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Scarlet Control E6 imperf perf type V2A plate 36 MOUNTED MINT
1d Scarlet Control E6 imperf perf type V2A plate 36 MOUNTED MINT
167.54 MYR
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 215 d Blue-Green Control B Imperf plate 9 De La Rue UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 215 d Blue-Green Control B Imperf plate 9 De La Rue UNMOUNTED MINT
363.01 MYR