northernstampsandcoins 0
Registered Letter From Manchester to London
Registered Letter From Manchester to London
3.45 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Registered Letter (RP21 Size F) from Dewesbury to Berlin
Registered Letter (RP21 Size F) from Dewesbury to Berlin
17.24 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
1d Pink Enevelope (EP4b) to Salop
1d Pink Enevelope (EP4b) to Salop
9.19 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Postal Stationery Envelope (EP36) to Germany
Postal Stationery Envelope (EP36) to Germany
4.60 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Uprated Postal Stationery Envelope (EP44 Size H) From Nottingham to Baden
Uprated Postal Stationery Envelope (EP44 Size H) From Nottingham to Baden
17.24 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
W H Smith Wrapper (WH3) from London To Nijmegen Holland
W H Smith Wrapper (WH3) from London To Nijmegen Holland
13.79 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
WP12 One Penny Newspaper wrapper to USA
WP12 One Penny Newspaper wrapper to USA
6.90 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
1 2d Newspaper Wrapper (WP19) to Salisbury
1 2d Newspaper Wrapper (WP19) to Salisbury
4.60 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Unused Postal Stationery Envelope (EP54 Size E)
Unused Postal Stationery Envelope (EP54 Size E)
3.45 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Unused Registered Letter (Size G)
Unused Registered Letter (Size G)
3.45 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Postal Stationery Envelope (EP80) Newcastle to Newcastle
Postal Stationery Envelope (EP80) Newcastle to Newcastle
6.90 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Postal Stationery Envelope (EP36) to Whitehaven
Postal Stationery Envelope (EP36) to Whitehaven
4.60 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Uprated Postal Stationery Envelope (EP61Size H) to Tunbridgewells
Uprated Postal Stationery Envelope (EP61Size H) to Tunbridgewells
5.75 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
Used Newspaper Wrapper (WP15)
Used Newspaper Wrapper (WP15)
5.75 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV Photogravure Sideways Watermark SG439a 442b Used
KGV Photogravure Sideways Watermark SG439a 442b Used
40.22 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV Re-Engraved Seahorse ser SG450 452 Used
KGV Re-Engraved Seahorse ser SG450 452 Used
40.22 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV Photogravure Inverted Watermark SG439wi 441wi Used
KGV Photogravure Inverted Watermark SG439wi 441wi Used
3.45 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGVI L1939 High Values SG476 478a Mounted Mint
KGVI L1939 High Values SG476 478a Mounted Mint
143.65 CHF
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGVI Dark Colours Sideways Wmk SG462a 466a Mounted Mint
KGVI Dark Colours Sideways Wmk SG462a 466a Mounted Mint
43.67 CHF