Mintgbstamps 3
sg341 1d N11(2) strip 3 control B11 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
sg341 1d N11(2) strip 3 control B11 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
92.34 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1978 25th Horses Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1978 25th Horses Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
9.23 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1978 25th Anniversary Coronation Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1978 25th Anniversary Coronation Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
9.23 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1978 Historic Buildings Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1978 Historic Buildings Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
9.23 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1978 Energy Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1978 Energy Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
13.85 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1977 British Wildlife Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1977 British Wildlife Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
9.23 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1977 Commonwealth Government Meeting Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1977 Commonwealth Government Meeting Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
9.23 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1977 British Achievement In Chemistry Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
1977 British Achievement In Chemistry Presentation Pack Unmounted Mint
9.23 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
N27(4) 7d Sage-Green Royal Cypher Control J17 perf single MOUNTED MINT
N27(4) 7d Sage-Green Royal Cypher Control J17 perf single MOUNTED MINT
207.76 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
D1a d Royal Cypher Postage due QWmk Inverted Control U 22 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
D1a d Royal Cypher Postage due QWmk Inverted Control U 22 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
184.67 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 240 M25(2) 4d Pale Orange De La Rue UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 240 M25(2) 4d Pale Orange De La Rue UNMOUNTED MINT
83.10 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
NB14av 1d Brown Block Cypher Wmk Inverted Cancelled type 28 UNMOUNTED MNT
NB14av 1d Brown Block Cypher Wmk Inverted Cancelled type 28 UNMOUNTED MNT
2,539.28 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
N25(-) 5d Pale Yellow Brown Royal Cypher Control K17 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N25(-) 5d Pale Yellow Brown Royal Cypher Control K17 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
115.42 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
NB13av 1d Scarlet Block Cypher Wmk Inverted Cancelled type 28 UNMOUNTED MNT
NB13av 1d Scarlet Block Cypher Wmk Inverted Cancelled type 28 UNMOUNTED MNT
2,539.28 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1970 Sg 829 10p Decimal Machin Cylinder 13 UNMOUNTED MINT
1970 Sg 829 10p Decimal Machin Cylinder 13 UNMOUNTED MINT
138.51 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
SB2a d x 4 Wilding booklet pane perf type P UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB2a d x 4 Wilding booklet pane perf type P UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
27.70 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
N23(3) 4d Deep Grey Green Royal Cypher control V23 Imperf single UNMOUNTED MINT
N23(3) 4d Deep Grey Green Royal Cypher control V23 Imperf single UNMOUNTED MINT
115.42 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
CS-18 2012 The Last Goon Show Smiler Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
CS-18 2012 The Last Goon Show Smiler Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
76.18 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
1937 1d Red Dark colours D38 26 Dot perf 5(E I) block 6 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1937 1d Red Dark colours D38 26 Dot perf 5(E I) block 6 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
32.32 PEN
Mintgbstamps 3
FB10a Aug 1979 Rolls Royce Folded Booklet - good perfs
FB10a Aug 1979 Rolls Royce Folded Booklet - good perfs
6.93 PEN