Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 453i-455i 1935 George V Commemorative Silver Jubilee Set UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 453i-455i 1935 George V Commemorative Silver Jubilee Set UNMOUNTED MINT
264.49 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
sg636 1963 6d Paris Conference Downward Shift Of Green UNMOUNTED MINT [SN]
sg636 1963 6d Paris Conference Downward Shift Of Green UNMOUNTED MINT [SN]
97.96 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(6) 1dDeep chocolate Brown Royal Cypher control M19 imperf MOUNTED MINT
N18(6) 1dDeep chocolate Brown Royal Cypher control M19 imperf MOUNTED MINT
489.80 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 652e 4d Geographical With listed variety - scarred neck UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 652e 4d Geographical With listed variety - scarred neck UNMOUNTED MINT
195.92 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 334wi 336wi d Green 1d Red Downey Wmk inverted UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
Sg 334wi 336wi d Green 1d Red Downey Wmk inverted UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
734.70 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
SB49 1d Wilding booklet pane Violet 8mm perf type I UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB49 1d Wilding booklet pane Violet 8mm perf type I UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
78.37 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
FY1 1989 Greetings Barcode Booklet - complete - no Cylinder
FY1 1989 Greetings Barcode Booklet - complete - no Cylinder
44.08 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1968 British Anniversaries 4d Complete No Dot Sheet With Listed Flaw. MNH Mint
1968 British Anniversaries 4d Complete No Dot Sheet With Listed Flaw. MNH Mint
195.92 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1968 Bridges 4d Complete Sheet No dot UNMOUNTED MINT
1968 Bridges 4d Complete Sheet No dot UNMOUNTED MINT
195.92 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1967 Paintings 9d Dot Complete Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1967 Paintings 9d Dot Complete Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
195.92 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
BC-488 Spring Stampex 2016 smiler sheet unmounted mint complete
BC-488 Spring Stampex 2016 smiler sheet unmounted mint complete
195.92 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1967 Paintings 4d Complete Sheet No dot (cyl 3A1B2C1D1E1F) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1967 Paintings 4d Complete Sheet No dot (cyl 3A1B2C1D1E1F) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
146.94 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1937 2d Orange Dark colours H40 15 No Dot perf 5(E I) block 6 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1937 2d Orange Dark colours H40 15 No Dot perf 5(E I) block 6 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
685.72 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
3d Wilding Multi Crown on Cream Cyl 47 Dot perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
3d Wilding Multi Crown on Cream Cyl 47 Dot perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
489.80 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
4d Wilding Edward Crown cyl 1 Dot Perf C(E P) UNMOUNTED MINT
4d Wilding Edward Crown cyl 1 Dot Perf C(E P) UNMOUNTED MINT
342.86 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(4) 1d Very Deep Red Brown Royal Cypher Control T22 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
N18(4) 1d Very Deep Red Brown Royal Cypher Control T22 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
3,869.42 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1967 EFTA 1 6 (Ord) Complete Sheet With 3 Listed Flaws
1967 EFTA 1 6 (Ord) Complete Sheet With 3 Listed Flaws
391.84 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
PVA 5d Pre-decimal Machin 2B head B perf A Cyl 11 dot UNMOUNTED MINT
PVA 5d Pre-decimal Machin 2B head B perf A Cyl 11 dot UNMOUNTED MINT
53.88 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1967 Discovery and Invention 4d Complete Sheet With broken scale UNMOUNTED MINT
1967 Discovery and Invention 4d Complete Sheet With broken scale UNMOUNTED MINT
195.92 HKD
Mintgbstamps 3
1967 Christmas 1 6 Complete Sheet No dot UNMOUNTED MINT MNH.
1967 Christmas 1 6 Complete Sheet No dot UNMOUNTED MINT MNH.
146.94 HKD