Mintgbstamps 3
FB33a 1985 Common Frog (pond life) No Star 50p Folded Booklet Cyl B43 good perfs
FB33a 1985 Common Frog (pond life) No Star 50p Folded Booklet Cyl B43 good perfs
£2.75 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Decimal QEII Full Sheet of 240 blank PVA gum stamps UNMOUNTED MINT
Decimal QEII Full Sheet of 240 blank PVA gum stamps UNMOUNTED MINT
£200.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Decimal QEII Full Sheet of 240 blank PVA gum stamps UNMOUNTED MINT
Decimal QEII Full Sheet of 240 blank PVA gum stamps UNMOUNTED MINT
£200.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
1969 5d Post Office Technology (CYL 2A2B2C2D) Full Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT dot
1969 5d Post Office Technology (CYL 2A2B2C2D) Full Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT dot
£15.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
1968 9d Bridges Complete Sheet No dot UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1968 9d Bridges Complete Sheet No dot UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
£30.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
2d Wilding Edward Crown cyl 42 Dot Perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
2d Wilding Edward Crown cyl 42 Dot Perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
£10.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
d Wilding Edward Crown cylinder 3 Dot perf type A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
d Wilding Edward Crown cylinder 3 Dot perf type A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
£10.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Wilding Edward Crown cyl 15 No Dot Perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
1d Wilding Edward Crown cyl 15 No Dot Perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
£10.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
S26g 1d Wilding Edward Crown unlisted Re-touch cyl 14 Dot UNMOUNTED MINT
S26g 1d Wilding Edward Crown unlisted Re-touch cyl 14 Dot UNMOUNTED MINT
£20.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
1948 1d GVI Channel Island Liberation Full Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1948 1d GVI Channel Island Liberation Full Sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
£50.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 471c Q23c 7d Green with Broken N in Revenue variety UNMOUNTED MNT
Sg 471c Q23c 7d Green with Broken N in Revenue variety UNMOUNTED MNT
£100.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 485 Q2e d Pale Green with Spur to R variety UNMOUNTED MNT
Sg 485 Q2e d Pale Green with Spur to R variety UNMOUNTED MNT
£85.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 503 Q3g d Pale Orange with Broken middle E variety UNMOUNTED MNT
Sg 503 Q3g d Pale Orange with Broken middle E variety UNMOUNTED MNT
£85.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 506h Q12h 2d Pale Red-Brown with missing Jewel variety UNMOUNTED MNT
Sg 506h Q12h 2d Pale Red-Brown with missing Jewel variety UNMOUNTED MNT
£60.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
1937 1d Brown Dark colours B37 46 No Dot perf 5(E I) block 6 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1937 1d Brown Dark colours B37 46 No Dot perf 5(E I) block 6 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
£50.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg C2b 1948 Channel Islands listed variety - Line across wheel UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg C2b 1948 Channel Islands listed variety - Line across wheel UNMOUNTED MINT
£35.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg C2c 1948 Channel Islands listed variety - Broken wheel UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg C2c 1948 Channel Islands listed variety - Broken wheel UNMOUNTED MINT
£50.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg C2a 1948 Channel Islands listed variety - Crown flaw QCom13a UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg C2a 1948 Channel Islands listed variety - Crown flaw QCom13a UNMOUNTED MINT
£30.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
SG Q15ba 2d Pale Scarlet GVI variety Damaged S Flaw UNMOUNTED MINT
SG Q15ba 2d Pale Scarlet GVI variety Damaged S Flaw UNMOUNTED MINT
£30.00 GBP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 461 Q1i 1937 Coronation GVI Cylinder A37 10 Dot with variety UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 461 Q1i 1937 Coronation GVI Cylinder A37 10 Dot with variety UNMOUNTED MINT
£20.00 GBP