northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV SG442 2d Orange X35 Cyl 8 Dot E I Unmounted Mint
KGV SG442 2d Orange X35 Cyl 8 Dot E I Unmounted Mint
60.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV SG444 3d Reddish Violet Y36 Cyl 12 Dot E I Unmounted Mint
KGV SG444 3d Reddish Violet Y36 Cyl 12 Dot E I Unmounted Mint
40.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
3d Wilding Tudor Cyl 3 No Dot perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
3d Wilding Tudor Cyl 3 No Dot perf A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
25.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
LS42 GB 2007 Christmas Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
LS42 GB 2007 Christmas Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
20.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg199 unlisted 2d GreenVermillion with u l break in Value Tablet UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg199 unlisted 2d GreenVermillion with u l break in Value Tablet UNMOUNTED MINT
350.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 592b (S72b) 3d graphite 2 linesrare on Cyl 51 ND UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
Sg 592b (S72b) 3d graphite 2 linesrare on Cyl 51 ND UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
2,250.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
LS39 GB 2007 Memories of Wembley Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
LS39 GB 2007 Memories of Wembley Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
20.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
S38 2d Wilding Edward Crown Horizontal coil strip UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
S38 2d Wilding Edward Crown Horizontal coil strip UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
25.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
S14c 1d Wilding Edward coil join strip UNMOUNTED MINT
S14c 1d Wilding Edward coil join strip UNMOUNTED MINT
25.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
S14 1d Wilding Edward Vertical coil strip UNMOUNTED MINT
S14 1d Wilding Edward Vertical coil strip UNMOUNTED MINT
15.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
MS4115 2018 Hampton Court Palace - barcode miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
MS4115 2018 Hampton Court Palace - barcode miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
6.75 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
SG 43 1d Penny Red Lettered I-K plate 114 MOUNTED MINT
SG 43 1d Penny Red Lettered I-K plate 114 MOUNTED MINT
130.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
N23(2) 4d Pale Grey Green Royal Cypher control D14 perf UNMOUNTED MINT
N23(2) 4d Pale Grey Green Royal Cypher control D14 perf UNMOUNTED MINT
48.00 VEB
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 521c 4d Wilding Tudor Crown with listed variety UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
Sg 521c 4d Wilding Tudor Crown with listed variety UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
45.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV SG344 Strip 3 Light;y Mounted Mint Doctor Blade Flaw on all 3 stamps
KGV SG344 Strip 3 Light;y Mounted Mint Doctor Blade Flaw on all 3 stamps
75.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV 9d Agate B.13 Control Block 4 Unmounted Mint
KGV 9d Agate B.13 Control Block 4 Unmounted Mint
55.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV SG439 449 Photogravure Set Unmounted Mint
KGV SG439 449 Photogravure Set Unmounted Mint
45.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV 2d Orange SG442b Sideways Wmk Mounted Mint
KGV 2d Orange SG442b Sideways Wmk Mounted Mint
40.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGV SG446 5d Yellow Brown Z36 Cyl 5 Dot E I Lightly mounted Mint
KGV SG446 5d Yellow Brown Z36 Cyl 5 Dot E I Lightly mounted Mint
45.00 VEB
northernstampsandcoins 0
KGVI 4d Grey Green Imperf Strip 4 with Training bars Unmounted Mint
KGVI 4d Grey Green Imperf Strip 4 with Training bars Unmounted Mint
120.00 VEB