Mintgbstamps 3
S94Ba 4d Wilding Crowns on White with Phantom Frame UNMOUNTED MINT
S94Ba 4d Wilding Crowns on White with Phantom Frame UNMOUNTED MINT
387,866.85 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
SB13 Wilding booklet pane crowns on white perf I UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB13 Wilding booklet pane crowns on white perf I UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
36,200.91 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
D24a 5d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 36 Imperf MOUNTED MINT
D24a 5d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 36 Imperf MOUNTED MINT
1,163,600.56 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
N14(11) d Bright Yellow Green Royal Cypher C 13 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N14(11) d Bright Yellow Green Royal Cypher C 13 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
196,519.21 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
D22 3d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 37 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
D22 3d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 37 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
206,862.32 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
DQ57 Apr 1971 Year of British Stamps 30p Stitched Booklet - complete
DQ57 Apr 1971 Year of British Stamps 30p Stitched Booklet - complete
12,928.90 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
D20 1d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 37 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
D20 1d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 37 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
387,866.85 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
D21 2d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 37 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
D21 2d Edward VIII Postage due Control A 37 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
439,582.43 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Pale Red Brown Block Cypher Spec N35-3 Control P31 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1d Pale Red Brown Block Cypher Spec N35-3 Control P31 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
90,502.27 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
N22(-) 3d Deep bright Violet Royal Cypher Control W 23 perf MOUNTED MINT
N22(-) 3d Deep bright Violet Royal Cypher Control W 23 perf MOUNTED MINT
155,146.74 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
N14(9) d Dull Yellow (apple) Green Royal Cypher UNMOUNTED MINT
N14(9) d Dull Yellow (apple) Green Royal Cypher UNMOUNTED MINT
77,573.37 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 171 1d Pale Lilac 14 dot perfectly centred UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
Sg 171 1d Pale Lilac 14 dot perfectly centred UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
982,596.03 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
S80b 3d Wilding Violet Phos 1x 9.5mm wmk sideways UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
S80b 3d Wilding Violet Phos 1x 9.5mm wmk sideways UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
103,431.16 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
N14(7) d Deep Green Royal Cypher UNMOUNTED MINT
N14(7) d Deep Green Royal Cypher UNMOUNTED MINT
41,372.46 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
10d Wilding Tudor cylinder 1 No Dot perf type B(I P) UNMOUNTED MINT
10d Wilding Tudor cylinder 1 No Dot perf type B(I P) UNMOUNTED MINT
905,022.66 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
FL3b 1984 Trams book No.1 - Swansea-Mumbles Folded Booklet - Good perfs - No Cyl
FL3b 1984 Trams book No.1 - Swansea-Mumbles Folded Booklet - Good perfs - No Cyl
12,928.90 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
FL1a 1981 Postal History book No.1 - Penny Black Folded Booklet - Good perfs
FL1a 1981 Postal History book No.1 - Penny Black Folded Booklet - Good perfs
10,343.12 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
D17 1 - Block Cypher Postage due Control I 28 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
D17 1 - Block Cypher Postage due Control I 28 Imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
439,582.43 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 764 9d F Cyl 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
Sg 764 9d F Cyl 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
103,431.16 COP
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Pale Red Brown Block Cypher Spec N35-3 Control B24 imperf MOUNTED MINT
1d Pale Red Brown Block Cypher Spec N35-3 Control B24 imperf MOUNTED MINT
66,195.94 COP