Mintgbstamps 3
1963 sg 645pb Compac 1 6 Phos With Narrow Bands Left - MNH
1963 sg 645pb Compac 1 6 Phos With Narrow Bands Left - MNH
766.17 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
1958 - 1965 9d Multi Crowns on white cylinder 1 Dot perf type A (E I) MNH
1958 - 1965 9d Multi Crowns on white cylinder 1 Dot perf type A (E I) MNH
638.48 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
8d Multi Crowns on white cyl 4 Dot perf type A (E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
8d Multi Crowns on white cyl 4 Dot perf type A (E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
255.39 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 665a+b 1965 Salvation Army 3d (Ord) Listed Flaws MCF UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 665a+b 1965 Salvation Army 3d (Ord) Listed Flaws MCF UNMOUNTED MINT
1,532.35 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
sg N9p 2 - Wildings Blue Phos GPO booklet with all panes MNH
sg N9p 2 - Wildings Blue Phos GPO booklet with all panes MNH
1,787.74 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
8d Multi Crowns white with Variety cyl 4 No Dot perf type A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
8d Multi Crowns white with Variety cyl 4 No Dot perf type A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT
638.48 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 216 d Blue-Green Control A imperf De La Rue MOUNTED MINT
Sg 216 d Blue-Green Control A imperf De La Rue MOUNTED MINT
76.62 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
DH40 1971 - 25p Stitched Booklet Complete
DH40 1971 - 25p Stitched Booklet Complete
121.31 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
N14(6) d Bright Green Control C13 perf plate 88 8 MOUNTED MINT
N14(6) d Bright Green Control C13 perf plate 88 8 MOUNTED MINT
1,787.74 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 270 M3(5) d Pale Bluish Green Harrison Perf. 14 Control A11 UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 270 M3(5) d Pale Bluish Green Harrison Perf. 14 Control A11 UNMOUNTED MINT
1,404.65 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
1d Wilding Tudor Wmk Cylinder 12 No Dot perf type A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1d Wilding Tudor Wmk Cylinder 12 No Dot perf type A(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
383.09 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
4d Grey-Green Cylinder I41 1 No Dot perf 6(I P) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
4d Grey-Green Cylinder I41 1 No Dot perf 6(I P) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
638.48 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
MF3 12 x 1st class stamps barcode booklet - Self Adhesive MINT MNH - Cylinder W1
MF3 12 x 1st class stamps barcode booklet - Self Adhesive MINT MNH - Cylinder W1
312.85 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
DH52 1973 - Transport series 25p Stitched Booklet Complete
DH52 1973 - Transport series 25p Stitched Booklet Complete
108.54 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
4d Grey-Green Cylinder I41 1 No Dot perf 6B(E P) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
4d Grey-Green Cylinder I41 1 No Dot perf 6B(E P) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
280.93 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(16) 1d Bright Orange Brown Royal Cypher control O20 perf UNMOUNTED MINT
N18(16) 1d Bright Orange Brown Royal Cypher control O20 perf UNMOUNTED MINT
1,915.43 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
1958 - 1965 6d Multi Crowns on tinted cylinder 10 No Dot perf type A (E I) MNH
1958 - 1965 6d Multi Crowns on tinted cylinder 10 No Dot perf type A (E I) MNH
255.39 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
N14(7) d Deep Bright Green Control C14 perf plate 89 5 MOUNTED MINT
N14(7) d Deep Bright Green Control C14 perf plate 89 5 MOUNTED MINT
3,064.69 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 216 d Blue-Green Control B imperf De La Rue UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 216 d Blue-Green Control B imperf De La Rue UNMOUNTED MINT
255.39 MXN
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(15) 1d Orange Brown Royal Cypher control Q21 perf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N18(15) 1d Orange Brown Royal Cypher control Q21 perf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
766.17 MXN