Mintgbstamps 3
1d Pale scarlet Control T46 142 Dot cylinder block UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1d Pale scarlet Control T46 142 Dot cylinder block UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
62.64 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(12) 1d Bright Yellow Brown Royal Cypher control Q20 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
N18(12) 1d Bright Yellow Brown Royal Cypher control Q20 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT
536.95 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 666a 1965 Salvation Army 1 6 Cyl (Ord) - Variety Extra Pearl UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 666a 1965 Salvation Army 1 6 Cyl (Ord) - Variety Extra Pearl UNMOUNTED MINT
178.98 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 98 9d plate 4 Large perf QV Large Corner Letters MOUNTED MINT
Sg 98 9d plate 4 Large perf QV Large Corner Letters MOUNTED MINT
5,593.19 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(16) 1d Bright Orange Brown Royal Cypher control Q21 perf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N18(16) 1d Bright Orange Brown Royal Cypher control Q21 perf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
2,013.55 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
GI1b 1986 10 x 2nd Barcode Booklet - No Cylinder
GI1b 1986 10 x 2nd Barcode Booklet - No Cylinder
80.54 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
GH1a 4 x worldwide postcard stamps (31p) Complete Booklet - No Cylinder
GH1a 4 x worldwide postcard stamps (31p) Complete Booklet - No Cylinder
31.32 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
1997 GL4 Barcode Booklet 4 x 37p World Postcard stamps - complete -Cyl W2
1997 GL4 Barcode Booklet 4 x 37p World Postcard stamps - complete -Cyl W2
38.03 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
d Green Jubilee control R with wear - imperf set of 7 MOUNTED MINT
d Green Jubilee control R with wear - imperf set of 7 MOUNTED MINT
626.44 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
d Green cylinder Block cylinder 152 No Dot perf 5(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
d Green cylinder Block cylinder 152 No Dot perf 5(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
89.49 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
d Green cylinder Block Control P44 129 No Dot perf 5(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
d Green cylinder Block Control P44 129 No Dot perf 5(E I) UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
760.67 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
d Green Jubilee control R strip of 3 - perf E - perfed side margin MOUNTED MINT
d Green Jubilee control R strip of 3 - perf E - perfed side margin MOUNTED MINT
894.91 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
FY1 with pane UMP6A - 1989 Greetings Barcode Booklet - complete
FY1 with pane UMP6A - 1989 Greetings Barcode Booklet - complete
89.49 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
GJ1a Barcode Booklet 4 x 33p Worldwide Postcard stamps - No Cylinder
GJ1a Barcode Booklet 4 x 33p Worldwide Postcard stamps - No Cylinder
29.08 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(15) 1d Orange Brown Royal Cypher control M19 perf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N18(15) 1d Orange Brown Royal Cypher control M19 perf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
268.47 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
GS1 4 x Worldwide Airmail Stamps(64p) class stamps barcode booklet - Cylinder W1
GS1 4 x Worldwide Airmail Stamps(64p) class stamps barcode booklet - Cylinder W1
38.03 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
GJ1 Barcode Booklet 4 x 33p Worldwide Postcard stamps - Cylinder W1W1W1
GJ1 Barcode Booklet 4 x 33p Worldwide Postcard stamps - Cylinder W1W1W1
29.08 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
N18(2) 1d Pale Red Brown Royal Cypher control L 18 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N18(2) 1d Pale Red Brown Royal Cypher control L 18 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
357.96 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
S26g 1d Wilding Edward Crown listed variety cyl 14 Dot UNMOUNTED MINT
S26g 1d Wilding Edward Crown listed variety cyl 14 Dot UNMOUNTED MINT
536.95 DKK
Mintgbstamps 3
GLA1 Barcode Booklet 4 x 38p Worldwide Postcard stamps - complete - No Cylinder
GLA1 Barcode Booklet 4 x 38p Worldwide Postcard stamps - complete - No Cylinder
26.85 DKK