Showing results 561 to 580
Mintgbstamps 3
SB72 Wilding booklet pane Blue Phos perf type I UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB72 Wilding booklet pane Blue Phos perf type I UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
12,396.50 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
FB54 1989 Marine Life Series #1 booklet Cyl B1 B16
FB54 1989 Marine Life Series #1 booklet Cyl B1 B16
309.91 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
FB75 1995 Giants Causeway - 4th Sea Charts Series 50p Folded Booklet
FB75 1995 Giants Causeway - 4th Sea Charts Series 50p Folded Booklet
309.91 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
N27(2) 7d Olive-Grey Royal Cypher control J 17 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
N27(2) 7d Olive-Grey Royal Cypher control J 17 imperf UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
12,396.50 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
GB Folded Booklet FX7a 1984 Chirstmas Folded booklet Complete
GB Folded Booklet FX7a 1984 Chirstmas Folded booklet Complete
1,770.93 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
SB5a d x 4 Wilding booklet pane perf type P UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB5a d x 4 Wilding booklet pane perf type P UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
1,770.93 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
SB81e 2d Wilding Edward variety - Wreath Flaw R.2 3 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
SB81e 2d Wilding Edward variety - Wreath Flaw R.2 3 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
8,854.65 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
FH39 1995 Commemorating End of War Series #4 - 1 Folded Booklet - Complete
FH39 1995 Commemorating End of War Series #4 - 1 Folded Booklet - Complete
309.91 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg QP47a 6 - Jay bird GPO Booklet with GA panes 1 2 PVA pane 3 UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg QP47a 6 - Jay bird GPO Booklet with GA panes 1 2 PVA pane 3 UNMOUNTED MINT
17,709.29 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
BC-097 GB 2006 The Snowman Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
BC-097 GB 2006 The Snowman Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
8,854.65 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg XS25b 1 3 Scotland 2 x 8mm Violet Cyl 8 No Dot perf FL(I E) UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg XS25b 1 3 Scotland 2 x 8mm Violet Cyl 8 No Dot perf FL(I E) UNMOUNTED MINT
5,666.97 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
SB67 Wilding booklet pane Crowns Cream perf type AP UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB67 Wilding booklet pane Crowns Cream perf type AP UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
1,416.74 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
SB62 Wilding booklet pane Edward perf type Ie Bottom UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB62 Wilding booklet pane Edward perf type Ie Bottom UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
531.28 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
1929 4 values of PUC Control K 29 Blocks of 6 - All MOUNTED MINT Margin only
1929 4 values of PUC Control K 29 Blocks of 6 - All MOUNTED MINT Margin only
53,127.88 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
BC-103 GB 2007 spring Stampex Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
BC-103 GB 2007 spring Stampex Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
2,656.39 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
1929 d PUC Control K 29 strip of 3 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
1929 d PUC Control K 29 strip of 3 UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
5,312.79 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 652e 4d Geographical With listed variety - scarred neck UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
Sg 652e 4d Geographical With listed variety - scarred neck UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
4,427.32 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg 694d 1966 6d World Football Cup - Watermark Inverted UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg 694d 1966 6d World Football Cup - Watermark Inverted UNMOUNTED MINT
4,427.32 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
SB5a d x 4 Wilding booklet pane perf type AP UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
SB5a d x 4 Wilding booklet pane perf type AP UNMOUNTED MNT MNH
1,770.93 ISK
Mintgbstamps 3
GB 2004 spring 300th gibraltar Stampex Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
GB 2004 spring 300th gibraltar Stampex Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
2,656.39 ISK