Mintgbstamps 3
sg48 ½d Rose Red Plate 6 Lettered D-H MOUNTED MINT
1870 ½d Rose Red Bantam Plate 6 Lettered D-H. Lightly mounted mint
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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369.04 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
PM5 2002 Sg2290 Concorde 1st class stamp out of booklet - self adhesive
PM5 2002 Sg2290 Concorde 1st class stamp out of booklet - self adhesive
25.45 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
S46b 2d Wilding Blue Phos/Cream with 1 x 6mm Band typo left UNMOUNTED MINT
S46b 2d Wilding Blue Phos/Cream with 1 x 6mm Band typo left UNMOUNTED MINTWe have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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We offer a full 100% no quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent within 14 days.
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279.96 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg535 1953 Coronation 1/6 cylinder block 1 no with white flaw on wreath U/M
Sg535 1953 Coronation 1/6 cylinder block 1 no with white flaw on wreath U/MWith mcf white flaw on wreath below R of Revenue
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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890.79 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
HD37 1996 Icing 10 x 1st Class NVI Booklet - complete - Cylinder W50W38W41
HD37 1996 Icing 10 x 1st Class NVI Booklet - complete - Cylinder W50W38W41
213.15 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
MS W121 2006 Assembly for Wales miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
MS W121 2006 Assembly for Wales miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
66.81 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
S74b 3d Wilding Green Phos with 1 x 8mm Green band right UNMOUNTED MINT
S74b 3d Wilding Green Phos with 1 x 8mm Green band right UNMOUNTED MINT
445.39 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
LS70 GB 2010 Occasions Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
LS70 GB 2010 Occasions Smiler sheet UNMOUNTED MINT MNH
286.33 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
sg721 1966 9d flowers Dry print orange, Yellow omitted UNMOUNTED MINT [SN]
sg721 1966 9d flowers Dry print orange, Yellow omitted UNMOUNTED MINT [SN]
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items in our shop here on eBay.
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We offer a full 100% no quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
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763.53 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
S62 2d Variety Unlisted 1x6mm band type II Cream paper(photo) UNMOUNTED MINT
S62 2d Variety Unlisted 1x6mm band type II Cream paper(photo) UNMOUNTED MINT
1,908.84 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
GB QEII 1993 Sg 1658 £10 High Value Britannia USED with CDS
1993 Sg 1658 £10 High Value Britannia stamp USED
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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We offer a full 100% no quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
PAYPAL - Please note that if you are paying by PayPal, one of the criteria of PayPal Buyer Protectio...
63.63 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
GB Prestige Booklet DX7 1986 British Rail UNMOUNTED MINT
GB Prestige Booklet DX7 1986 British RailUnmounted mint.
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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We offer a full 100% no quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
PAYPAL - Please note that if you are paying by PayPal, one of the criteria of PayPal Buyer Pr...
82.72 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
HA6a 4 x 2nd Class Stamps Barcode booklet - complete - Cylinder W9 W11
HA6a 4 x 2nd Class Stamps Barcode booklet - complete - Cylinder W9 W11We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
If its quality you're've found it!
We offer a full 100% no
quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any
reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent
within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
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41.36 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg S97b 4d Wilding Blue Phos on Cream 1 x 8mm band left UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg S97b 4d Wilding Blue Phos on Cream 1 x 8mm band left UNMOUNTED MINT
318.14 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
FA4 1978 Oast Houses - Folded Booklet - good perfs - Perf Type E
FA4 1978 Oast Houses - Folded Booklet - good perfs - Perf Type E
15.27 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
MS4751 2022 Tutankhamun's tomb miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
MS4751 2022 Tutankhamun's tomb miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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We offer a full 100% no quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
PAYPAL - Please note that if you are paying by PayPal, one of the criteria of PayPal B...
114.53 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
Sg XN13 9d Northern Ireland 2x9.5mm Cyl 1 No Dot perf F L(I E) UNMOUNTED MINT
Sg XN13 9d Northern Ireland 2x9.5mm Cyl 1 No Dot perf F L(I E) UNMOUNTED MINT
63.63 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
BC-168 History of Britain 23 2008 Votes for women no.135 sheet U/M
BC-168 History of Britain 23 2008 Votes for women no.135 sheet U/Mimage is a stock image you will receive the number titled
We have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
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We offer a full 100% no quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
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254.51 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
S49b 2d Wilding Violet Phosphor with 1 broadband UNMOUNTED MINT
S49b 2d Wilding Violet Phosphor with 1 broadband UNMOUNTED MINT
190.88 MAD
Mintgbstamps 3
LX23 2002 Christmas Barcode Booklet - 12 x 1st Class - No Cylinder
LX23 2002 Christmas Barcode Booklet - 12 x 1st Class - No CylinderWe have thousands more quality unmounted (MNH) items on our website and in our shop here on eBay.
If its quality you're've found it!
We offer a full 100% no
quibble guarantee if you're are unhappy with your purchase for any
reason. The item must be returned to us in the condition it was sent
within 14 days.
Methods of Payment
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178.16 MAD